суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

chris hobbs home and away


I love it when that happens. Just...yeah. I got a really pretty-looking graph, my values (for lattice parameters of a crystal, based on data from an x-ray diffraction scan) are only a little bit off whatapos;s expected and the deviations have reasons, I found a program online to give me a linear regression equation when OpenOffice was being a bitch about it...GOD. Itapos;s all so nice. (This is why I do science. My need for order in the universe is satisfied when I get good results.)

...Still need to do the cutting-out-and-gluing-things step. That comes later.

Lately have been sleeping...normally. Like, at a normal time. Like from 11PM to 7AM, waking up on my own. Itapos;s kind of fantastic. But that gets thrown out this weekend; Iapos;mma go take a nap now, set an alarm for midnight, and keep working (and do laundry). Itapos;ll be good.

Nerdboyapos;s mom has seen me once before in her life and still greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. And then remarked on how cute I was (I suppose Iapos;m presentable-looking today...probably because I didnapos;t have any clean pants so am wearing a skirt) to several members of Nerdboyapos;s extended family.


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