понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

floating dormitories

I love computes and technology, I find the web fascinating and have lurked it for years.� However, I�have been leery to establish a web presence, but at the same time I�have wanted to have a public journal.� I am not a great writer and doubt I will have any insights to provide any reader, this journal, is for me.

This journal, this public expression, is a space for me to work through my thoughts, help me make sense of the world.� While I do this internally and in private writings, the constraints of public exposure will, I�hope, provide a structure, a framework for me to work in.

I discovered LJ through a woman I met for one night.� Someone I hope to meet again, but alas, I donapos;t think it will happen.� She is an enigmatic, inscrutable and intriguing�woman.���I want to see her again,�but, even though I have thirty-seven�years of life experience,�I have no skill in the social�arts and it is quite possible, she is out of my league; something I know she hears often and doesnrsquo;t like but its how I perceive the situation.

�I feel those constraints and borders closing in so I will leave it at that.


ess technology, floating dormitories, floating down, floating down a river.

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